Souvenir of Julius Cwsar. (Published for Mr. Tree by the
West End Review.)—Mr. Ernest Rhys has written a short study of the tragedy, in which he points out how many sUggestions Shake- peare has adopted from Plutarch. This souvenir has many illustrations, the best among them being Mr. Herbert Railton'a sketches of the scenes as they are set at Her Majesty's.
A prospectus and the first number has reached us of a work, Le Style dans les Beaux-Arts, about to be published in Munich by George Hirth, treating of fine arts of all times. The work is to consist of fifteen different parts,—the first to treat of human beauty. The, examples are to be accompanied by descriptive notes. The prospectus is both in French and German, but it does not appear whether the notes are to be in both languages. The illustrations are very well executed indeed, and at the price of onemark a number. The first division will be complete in twelve numbers. The English publishers are H. Grevel and Co.