By sea, however, Admiral Togo has again attacked Port Arthur.
On March 10th seven Japanese destroyers assailed the port on its two projecting sides, and one of, the two flotillas was engaged by six Russian vessels of similar type. The action recalls the fights of war-galleys in ancient times, the ships almost touching. Both sides fought with deter- mined gallantry, but at last the Russians, according to Admiral Togo's report, fled back into harbour. The other flotilla encountered two destroyers, and after a desperate combat, during which one Russian boat, the Steregutschi,' was completely surrounded, and its captain killed by a Japanese sailor who leaped on board, sunk one of the two. Port Arthur was also shelled by the battleships at long range, and it is believed that the execution done was very con- siderable. Another item of war news, published in Friday's papers, is the blowing up of one of the Russian destroyers by one of their own mines. The vessel sank, and the crew were drowned. This is the second Russian ship destroyed by contact with Russian mines.