New Licenses For Old. [to Tim Editor Op Tim "
SPECTATOR:] STD,—The statement recently made in the House that some 70 per cent. of our licensed houses are now " tied " is of grave interest in view of the growing practice of......
Local Rates And Fiscal Reform.
[TO TRH EDITOR OF VIZ "SPRCTATOR.1 SIE,-I have read a great deal that has been said with reference to the fiscal question, and have not seen any allusion to the fact that the......
America And Retaliation.
[To TIER EDITOR OP TER " SPROTATOR:1 enclose an extract from the Toronto Mail and Empire of February 23rd referring to the letter of Mr. Edward Atkinson, of Boston, which......
The Women's Free-trade Union.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Stn,—I think your readers will be interested to learn that the following ladies have joined the Women's Free-Trade Union: —The Duchess of......
Free-trade And Retaliation.
[To TER EDITOR OP TICE "EPROM/MOB:9 SIR,—Pray forgive me this once if I ask a question of rather a controversial kind. The old theory of Free-trade was free exchange; that the......