T HE news from the Far East as to land operations
is this week almost worthless. It is guessed that the Japanese in great force are trying to cut the railway by which Port Arthur is supplied, and to get behind the Russians on the Yalu; but the guess, though most probable, rests only upon rumours, which are repeated and contradicted every day. The Japanese have made their censorship still more severe ; and the Russians, either from incurable optimisnl or policy, send no news except to the great people at St. Petersburg. That great movements are in progress may be assumed; but they are probably made slow partly by the severity of the weather, and partly by a wish to make all safe by forcing the previous surrender of Port Arthur and. Vladivostok. Europe must wait a little, even though, demoralised as he is by showers of telegrams, waiting seems to "the man in the street" insuffer- able. A little compulsory patience will do him good.