Sra,—May I respectfully submit that Mr. Johnston has not answered my questions in his letter (Spectator, March 12th) ? What I wanted to know was—if, as "A Free-Trade Supporter of the Government" maintained, retaliation is opposed in principle and effect to Protection, why do Protectionists support the Government, and vice-versd ? That, I contend, is equivalent to charging the Chancellor of the Exchequer (say) with supporting, on the one hand by his presence in the Cabinet and on the other by his speeches in the country, two "inconsistent and mutually destructive policies." How- ever, as regards Mr. Johnston's letter, why does he take Mr. John Burns as the representative of Liberalism in matters of foreign and Colonial questions ? Does he suppose that Mr. Burns will be Colonial or Foreign Secretary, or Prime Minister? Why should "any alternative Government in this country be dependent upon the support of that lost hundred' of the Radical party," any more than on the members of the Liberal League ? Is it to be supposed that the principles of that body, which does include the great majority of leading Liberals, are to be calmly put aside at the fancied suggestion of Mr. Burns ? And, after all, why is Mr. Johnston or any other Unionist a Free-trader ? Surely it is because he thinks Protection is a danger to the Empire, and a very great danger. Surely he, if he be a true Free-trader, would be readier to trust the Empire to the hands of Free-trade Lord Rosebeiy than to Protec- tionist Mr. Chamberlain. But again, apart from the fiscal policy, does Mr. Johnston think that the Unionist party, that "valuable Imperial asset," is going to remain in office for ever The Liberals simply must come into power soon. ' Every Government, however virtuous and efficient, has sooner or later been overthrown by the Opposition, however feeble and disunited, when a General Election takes place; and if ever there was a time when Unionists could support the Liberal party, it is now when (in the opinion of all sound Free-traders) it is upholding the Empire by its repudiation of