Some Letters of St. Bernard of C/airvauz. Selected, with a
Preface, by F. A. Gasquet, D.D. (J. Hodges. 3s. 6d.)—These letters have been selected from the translation made by the late Dr. Bales. Dr. Gasquet has added a few notes ; we wish that these could have been more numerous, for the one thing that hinders our interest in the letters is that we do not know enough about the Saint's correspondents. Among the more important letters is that in which Abelard's theology is controverted, and that addressed to the Canons of Lyons re the doctrine of 'the Immaculate Conception. In the first we find the statement that "not only had the devil power over man, but also a just power." In the second we have an elaborate hostile argument. St. Bernard submits his judgment to that of the See of Rome, but it is clear that he held a very strong opinion.