Talaat Pasha, who as Grand Vizier was mainly responsible for
the wholesale massacres of the Armenians in Turkey in 1915, was shot dead in a Berlin street on Tuesday by an Armenian student. We detest political assassination, but we cannot pretend to feel any regret for the monster who deliberately butchered over a million men, women, and children so that the Armenian question might be settled once for all. Talaat, half Turk and half gipsy, was of humble origin. As a postal clerk in Salonika he associated with the Jewish plotters working through the " Grand Orient " lodges of freemasons and became a member of the Young Turk Committee which turned Abdul Hamid off his throne. He was not so docile a tool of Germany as his confederate Enver, and showed more zeal for the Pan-Islamic movement than Berlin desired. But his cruelty to all the subject nationalities helped no less than Enver's military ambition to ruin Turkey.