(to The Editor Of The " Spectator.")
Sion,—Lord Hugh Cecil's communications, criticizing Dean Inge's speech, suggest one of the outstanding problems of Christian Reunion—which is that when we speak of Angli- canism......
Identity Tests In Alleged Spiritual Communications.
[To THE EDITOR Or ME " SPECTATOR.") SIR, —The test piece which you quoted in your issue of March 5th from Lady Glenconner's The Earthern Vessel ran thus:— " It is to be found in......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator.")
SIR, —I am strongly in favour of the policy of " Taxpayer." I am convinced that unless drastic steps are taken to compel the Cabinet through Parliament to reduce public......
[to Ens Einem Or Mn " Eamerwroa."] Suz,—i Have Read
"Taxpayer's" communications in your last two issues with much interest, and having done so I ask myself in what does the proposed policy differ from that of the Middle Classes......
[to The Editor Or She " Spectator."] Sia,—the Statement By
Lord Hugh Cecil in the Spectator of March 5th that assent to the view that humanity is by nature in a state of moral perdition could be the only possible, or indeed desirable,......
"taxpayer's" Scheme. To Force Economy On The Government.
[To THE EDITOR or ens •• SPECTATOR.") Sue—The outlined plan-of "Taxpayer." will heartily commend itself to all who have anything left. I live in a remote country ,district, but......
The Standard Of Value And The Exchanges. [to The Editor
OF Tut " SPECTATOR.") Sza,—I am sorry that in attempting to be picturesque I over- stepped the limits of the possible. But the principle is as sound as the illustration was......