19 MARCH 1932, Page 18


[To the Editor of the SmerAToo.]• Snt,—How modern RuSkiit's out-of-date-neSs can be is again illustrated by Lady Muir's article in last week's Spectator, " Bulgaria's Peace Army." In his book, ..I Joy For Ever, a lecture delivered at Manchester in 1857, Buskin speaks of a Government " Which shall show how the discipline of the masses may be brought to aid the toils of peace, as discipline of the masses has hitherto knit the sinews of battle ; a govern- ment which shall have its soldiers Of the ploughshare as well as its soldiers of-the sword, and which shall distribute more proudly its golden crosses of industry—golden us the glow of the harvest, than , it grants its bronze crosses of honour— bronzed with the crimson of blocid."—I am. Sir, &e.,

TnE Guru) of ST. GEORGE." •