19 MARCH 1948, Page 23

at THE SPECTATOR" CROSSWORD No. 469 [A Book Token for

one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week March 30th. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.]


1. Man of letters who sometimes has a special distinction. (13.) 9. He had a career in fiction, but did not make it for himself. (9.) 10. It was done abroad before broad- casting. (5.) 11. " Not on thy sole, but on thy soul, harsh Jew, Thou makest thy keen " (Shakespeare). (5.) 12. Serb guess (anag.). (9.) 13. Need. (7.) 15. Surrendered. (7.) 17. Such land is not likely to have 15. (7.) 19. Helmet made of a bat without a middle. (7.) 21. Only fit if capped ? (9.) 23. The kind of cousin useful nowadays. (5.) 24. No co-operation is complete without it. (5.) 25. Ridden by poets who write long poems ? (9.) 26. One could make it arise in an open space. (13.)


2. I do squeal for her. (9.) 3. A trim affair. (5.) 4. Slaughter-house walk ? (7.) 5. Pry, hero, into this. (7.) 6. A sound place in which to incarcerate female prisoners ? (9.) 7. They'll never go in head first. (5.) 8. " Deep - in books and shallow in himself " (Milton). (6.) 9.





22 23. The plus one tradesman. (5.)

Spoil maid (anag.). (9.) Hawthorne's marble faun. (9.) " She had a tongue with a tang, would cry to a - Go hang I " (Shakespeare). (6.)

They stand for something. (7.) An ecclesiastical type. (7.) " When that which drew from out the boundless deep - again home " (Tennyson). (5.) A poem turns up with credit. (5.) Call to physical training, but surely not here ! (5.)