Children And Homes
SIR,—I have read with great interest the Children Bill which is now before Parliament. Although, obviously, it represents a very great advance in social thinking, there is one......
" Rome Bewildered "
SIR, —Reflecting upon the present political climate of his own country, I feel sure that Mr. Jori will understand why I should decline to make public the identity (even if it......
News Embargoes
SIR,—The Public Relations Officer of the B.M.A. casts doubt on Mr. Inwood's claim that competent newspaper men could have extracted the " salient items " from the B.M.A.......
"third Force In China"
Six,—Mr. Ronald Rees's dislike of the Communists' philosophy, which I share, apparently leads him further than me in condoning the policies' of their opponents, the Chinese......
The Scholarship Of Bishop Barnes
Sta,—In the last paragraph of A Spectator's Notebook in your issue of March 12th, Janus mentions that Bishop Barnes has incurred criticism as a back number in the matter of......
African Labour
SIR, —My experience in West Africa certainly does not support Mr. Cleland Scott's verdict that " the African has few equals as a spoiler of machinery," since for two years my......