Mr. CHARLES TENNYSON, a gentleman when tongue does not always
keep time with his better judgment, made a foolish speech in the House of Commons this week, touching the creation of Peers. He is, we suppose, not included in the batch. The next day, the Court Circular informed us that be had bad all interview with the and rumour immediately set him down as one of the Conservative Ca- binet. The Chronicle says his interview was not connected with po- litical blindness—the object of his visit was to present his Majesty with Mr. ALEXANDEIt's celebrated " Treatise on Diseases of the Eye." The work, the Chronicle adds, was showily bound in calf.
The Standard speaks of Conservative meetings at Lincoln, Nor- wich, York, and Leeds. We know what sort of conservation reigns at -Leeds. We have no doubt that little addresses from little meetings of little men may be obtained anywhere. No one denies that the Tories have one man in a hundred : we only deny that they have two. Our contemporary asks where the Universities are ?—Gone to sleep.