Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
On the 11th inst. at Brampton Brian. the Lady of the Rev. D. R. Mvartav, of a son. On the 15th inst. at Soluerhill, the Lady of the Right lion. Sir STuarFoun CA:c- lan°, of a......
Political Puzzles. Political Puzzles.
THAT the King can do no wrong, everybody admits. Out of this axiom of our Constitution, arises another—the King cannot act save on the counsel of some one of his subjects; who,......
Topics Of The Day.
CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE TORIES. Goon Christians preach to the Heathen. They do not, in these days, hate those who do not believe, nor revile them, nor per- secute them. They......
Partnerships Dissolved.
LINDSAY :Ma CO. Lonbn-13iterrzs: and JACK:as. High tliaboru,linenalianers — ALSOFE and Sox, Liverpool, cotton-brokers—HART:1ml SToorn, Leeds, linen-drapers n — Moa's and......