On the 11th inst. at Brampton Brian. the Lady of the Rev. D. R. Mvartav, of a son. On the 15th inst. at Soluerhill, the Lady of the Right lion. Sir STuarFoun CA:c- lan°, of a son.
On the 13th inst. at Penenden Heath, the Lady of Lieut: Col, Ton, of a daughter. On the 12th iust. at Newcastle-on-Tyne, the Lady of Lient.-Col. POWER., C.B. of a daughter. On the 7th inst. at Upottery. the wife of Mr. J. DIAMOND, farmer, of two sons and a datighter, respectively named M awn mw, MARK, and JANE. On the 14th inst. at 14, Northumberland Street, Edinburgh, Mrs. E. D. ALLISON, of twin daughters. On the 15th inst. the Lady of THOMAS Tvnwittrr DRAKE. Esq., M.P., of a son. On the 11th inst. at Loughry, county of 'Tyrone, Ireland, the Lady of FREDERIC LINDESAY, Esq., of a sou.
On the 9th inst. at Gainshorough, Lincolnshire, WILLIAM IIrrroN. Esq. of Gate Burton, to JANE. eldest daughter of Nicholas Bacon, Esq. of Raveningham, in the county of Norfolk. On the 3d inst. at Glasgow. the lion. JAMES MURRAY, Advocate, and uncle to the present Lord Elbank, to lsansr.r.a, only daughter of James Erskine, Esq. of Aberdona. On the 15th inst. at Barnes,Surry, ST. JOHN FLEMING ST.JouN, Esq. of Lancaster Place. London. youngest son of the Rev. J. F. S. St. John. one of the Prebendaries of Worcester Cathedral, to MARY, youngest daughter of the late John Freeman, Esq. of Gaines, in the county of Hereford. On the 14th inst. Sir FREDERICK HERVEY BATHURST, of Clarendon Park, Wilts, to Louisa MARY, eldest daughter of the late Wat. Smythe, Esq. of Bramblidge, Rants, and niece to Mrs. Fitzherbert. On the 15th inst. at Mulbarton. FREDERICK BALDERS BEEVOR, Esq. of Chancery Lane, London, to MARY, youngest daughter of Dr. Beevor. On the 1Gth inst. at St. George's. Hanover Square. J. MILNES GASKELL, Esq. only son of Benjamin Gaskell, Esq. of Thorne's House. Yorkshire. to Miss MARY WILLIAMS WYNN, second daughter of the Right Hon. C. W. Williams Wynn.
On the 28th ult. at Ellesborough Rectory blouse, in his 35th year, the Rev. CNA- /ONE& STANLEY LEATHES. -On the 10th inst. at her residence in Abbey Street, Dublin, Mrs. MOORS, mother of the illustrious poet. On the 13th inst. at Edinburgh, Dr. ANDREW DUNCAN, Professor of Matcria Medico. In the University of Edinburgh. On the 6th inst. at the Whet de Castries, Paris. ANNA, Countess of BARRVMORE. On the 7th inst. Lieut. BENJAMIN HALLOWELL CAREW, Hon. East India Company's Service, second son of Admiral Sir Benjamin Hallowell Carew, G.C.B. On the 9th inst. at Charlton, Kent, Lady Sum', wife of Lieut.-Gen. Sir John Smith, Royal Artillery. On the 10th inst. at Dover. ROBERT WINTHROP, Esq. Vice-Admiral of the Blue. On the 24th ult. at Ballywilly, near Kiltnore, Mr. WILMAM HAMPTON, at the ad- viniced age of 112 years. He never suffeked any illness, until a short time previous to
Ms decease, and retained the perfect use of his mental faculties to his last moments.
On the 15th inst. suddenly, from a stroke of lightning whilst in his own grounds at Lnagliton, Dann POWELL, Esq., in his 68th year.