19 MAY 1832, Page 13


LINDSAY :Ma CO. Lonbn-13iterrzs: and JACK:as. High tliaboru,linenalianers —ALSOFE and Sox, Liverpool, cotton-brokers—HART:1ml SToorn, Leeds, linen-drapers n —Moa's and EvERSHED, Brighton, linen.drarers—it A a ND nd Co. New Lambton. Dur- ham, salt-merchants—Bur.msx and lhowm Preston, chemists—Cs a and Douses:, Sheffield, merchants—Asti:max, Bromsgrove, Wweestershire, and ASHMORE, Birming- ham, common-carriers—G or Lot:: and Sos, Doncaster, painters—ALFORD and WONTNEL Cloth Fair, woollen-drapers—PARKER and Co. Liverpool, tnrpentine dist illers—JAocEs and Co. Kenton Street. Bloomsbury. letter-press printers ; aS far as regards EAwLINSON —CIFFIDIERTSON and Co. Kilmarnock, carpet-manufacturers; as far as regards TAYLOR.


CLARKE, GEORGE, Blackburn, shopkeeper.


A.rumsoN, Corkennoutlt, slate-manafaet orer,to surrender May 22, June 26: solicitors, Mr. Armstrong. Staple Iuu ; null Mr. Benson, Cockernionth. Bracers, DANIEL, Old Cavendish Street, jeweller, May 28, June 26 : solicitor, Mr. Eerie, Lincoln's luu Brno: x. FitAscts, Stafford, tanner. May 22, June 26: solicitors, Messrs. Dam and

Bicknell, Lincoln's Inn ; and 3f r. lircoke, Stafford.

'orDORNE, II ES3A mIN, Wa lent, en yer :incl eiider.May. 23, .T tine 26 : solicitors, Messrs. willionts and Bothell, Lincolo's Inn Fields: and Mr. Mackey, 1;at h. SAMELI„ Cortillill, led:er, May 23 June, solieitor, Mr. Dickinson, Grace- elmrelt Street.

TitoMAs, Sen. And jun. end Fe r.r..stt, WILLI:1st, Lewes, carriers, 'May 23, June 26: solicitor. Mr. Sole, Alliermantuire. W.a. LA NI 11ENny, Bwrini:11:1sey S reef, Toolcy Street, tea-dealer, May 22,

June 22: seli,itor. Mr. Ohs er. Eau in, I'll:to:hers, I.eadenhall Street.

III•Lm I.:, EDWARD. Piveadillv, hatter. Max 24, June 26: solicitors, Messrs. Sutcliffe ail Birch. New liritlf:e Street, 1Si:1cl:friars. MANN, JAnEs HESSE, Charles Street, St. James's Square, scrivener, May 25, June

26 solicitor. Mr. Hitchcock, Davies Street, Berkeley Square.

THOMAs, CrOyelolL grocer, May 23, Jane solicitors, Messrs. Hutchinson and !meson, Crown Court, Threadneedle Slrect... PARKER, Co Ant.es, liretion. borse.deider, .7tlay 2.4. June 26: solicitors, Mr. Smith, Basinuhall Si net : and Messrs. Parker mid :-:rnitit, Worcester. Pr:Alt.:ON, 3011N, , harmer, 3Tav 23, 24, Jun,. 26: solicitors. Messrs. Overton and Garwood, York ; Messrs. Jacques and Co. Coleman Street; and Mr. Lever, Gray's Inn Square. PIIILL! Es, Timm As JoxEs. Nev.Tort, Moranotolndilre. scrivener. May 24, June 26: solicitors, Mr. Williams, Copthall Conti: and Messrs. Bevan null Britthit. Bristol. SALMON, IIEN Oxford Street, tallow-chandler, May 21, June 26: solici-

tor,Mr..lames, Ely Place, I loll ern.

Stu ilf,Ev, %Aarrn, Ilasingball Street. Blackwell-hall-factor, May 23, June 26: solici- tors, Messrs. Pritchard and Gmidard, New Bridge Street, Illackfriars. VICKERY, imazs, Bristol, corn-dealer, May i6, June 26: solicitor, Mr. Sarymsher. Bristol, WARREN. SAMCET., Berton-upon-Trent. StatfonIshire. chemist, May 25. June 26: solicitors, Messrs. Muss and Bainbridge, Derby ; and Messrs. Adlington and Co. Bed- ford Row. Went. SAMUEL, Kidderminster. plumber, May 29, Jime 26: solicitors, Mr. Danger- field, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; and Mr. Brinton, Kidderminster.


.June 5. Carpenter, .Wisbancb, iineredraper—Junc 6, W ilkinson. Finsbury, upholsterer —June 4, Swill. Esher. Sorry, miller—June 7, Watson, Wood Street. Cheapside, silk- ntaunfachti-er—June 6. Holman, Battlzephon Street, Bermondsey, millwright—June 6, Thwaites and Toplis,Cirencester Place, Fitzroy Square, upholders—June 15. Roderick,. Aberystvrith. Cardiganshire, linen-draper—June 11, Winscombe. Bristol, builder—June 15. Griffith. Brecon. linen-draper—June 7. Tilsley and Jones, New Town, Montgomery- shire, bankers—June 26, Tracker, Stanford Bridge. Worcestershire. grocer—June 9. Blaxland and Co. Leeds, cloth-merchants—June 12, Perry, Hilton, Shropshire, tailor.

. . CERTIFICATES To be granter:. unless rave be shown to the contrary, on or before June 5. Gregory, Snn Street, Bishopsgate Street. grocer—Bayley, Stockport, cotton-spinner- Day. Providence Buildings, New Kent Road. plumber—Wilson, Ridinghousc Lane, Marylebone,timber-merchnut—Wilgos,Sheffield,tile-manufacturer—Singleton.Rngeley. Staffordshire, chemist—Pierce, iverpool, connaon-brewer-11•Lean,Liverpool. aictualler Keene. Union Street. Southwark, victualler-Hall, Kingston-upon-Hull, tobacconist Marshall, Norwood, Surry, potter-Allan, Tiverton, druggist-flutehon, Finsbury Circus, merchant.


ARNOTT, WILY.TAM, Bridgend, Perth, merchant, May 19, June 2. FLstal NO, JAMES, Coweaddens. Glasgow, baker, May 18, June 1. GRAY, JANET, High Street, Edinburgh, spirit-dealer, May 23, June&

Friday, 18th May.


SIEVIER and STIICKEY. Upper Holloway. manufiteturers —FOWLER and DI:MCCORD. Barnstaple, milliners-Wsusysa and It tr DION. Mickley, earriels -F. and C. Foto:No-5, Collumpton, spiritmerchants-T. and T. F. BROWN, Marlborough, Idlers- A. and M. Item Newcastle-upon-Tyne, straw.hat-makers-W. C. awl M. Spa'sR, Beverley, LoLk- binders-W and D. MELVILLE, Wood Street, Cheapside, me mist - K NI and 11 Durham, farmers-Mowsa and JEN:IT:los, Bury St. Edmunds. timher-merebants- PREECE and Co. Carnarvon, newspaper proprietors; as far as regards R. M. PuFsec — CLAYTON and Strait LEs. Kippas.Yorkshire.solicitors-LIitLY and CRAWFORD, Greenock, merchants.


MORGAN, Joan, Kensington. porkman, May 17. WORSELDINE, JOHN, and THOMAS, WILLIAM, Castle Yard, Castle Street, Holborn, carpenter, May 18.


EFIAM, EVERARD, Theme, Oxfordshire, draper. SPRINOETT, Jens, Linton, Kent. cattle.dealer. THOMAS, ROBERT, late of Glyn, Llautrissent, Glamorganshire, cattle-dealer.


ASHBURICER,RonEar, Liverpool, haberdasher, to surrender May 30, June 29: solici- tor, Mr. !Dude, Liverpool. BROOKES, THOMAS, lien:ford, hotel-keeper. May 23, June 29: solicitors, Mr. Bellamy, Hererord ; and Mr. Church. Great James Street, Bedronl Row. CALVERT, JOAN, Liverpool, Slilie•MerellitIll, May 30, JUDI. 29: solicitors, Mr. Broad- hurst, Liverpool; and Messrs. Adlingtou anti Bedford Row. COWLEN, SAMUEL. Joust, Bradw ell near the Sea, Essex, wheelwright, June I, 29: solicitors, Messrs. Sadeant and Cooper, Colchester; and Messrs. Bignuld and Co., New Bridge Street, Blatelariars. Deem EUGENE, Liverpool, music-seller, June 4. 29: sofeitors, Messrs. Topham and Son, Liverpool ; and Messrs. Adlinston and Co., Bedford Row. DUNBAR, WILLIAM, Rosemary Brandi Cottages. New North Road, Islington, hemp. merchant, May '29, June 29: solicitor, Mr. Boxer, Bow Lane. Cheapsitle. GRIFFIN, .10sE CIL Holborn. laceman, May 29, June : solicitors, Messrs. Locock and Grcarh1o, Situ Court, Cornhill. KAY, 11 rettaltu, and Nurrar.r., JOHN, Heap. paper-manufacturers, June 4, 5, 29: solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Co, Temple; and Mr. Knowles, Bolton-le-Moors. MEERS, JOHN, Birmingham, gun. maker. May 24, 25. June 20: solicitors, Messrs. Williams and Co. Commercial Sale Rooms; sad Mr. Elkington, Birmingham. • Norm, WILMA saddlers'-ironmonger,,June I.29: solicitor. Messrs. Swain and Co. Frederick's Place, 01(1 Jewry ; and Messrs. Darwall and Son, Walsall. MORRELL. JOHN. Boroughlaidge, view:tiler, May '25. June 29 : solicitors, Messrs. Battye and Co. Chancery Lane ; and M r. Naylor. Leeds. ROSE, JAMES, Didsbury, Lancashire, victualler, June 1, '2, 29: solicitors, Messrs. Kay and Co. Manchester. SUMMERS, ELIZABETH, Bangor, woollen-draper, June 4, 5, 29: solicitors, Messrs. `Willis and Co. Tokenhonse Yard; and Mr. Y. ilsen, Manchester. TAYLOR, JAMES, High Holborn, stationer, May 28, June 211; solicitor, Mr. Dimes, Bread Street. WILLIAMS, THOMAS. Inchbrook Mills, Gloucestershire,clothier, June 1, 29: solicitors, Idr.Pope, Gray's Ion Square; and Mr. Bishop, Dursley.


June 8, Houghton and Watts. Soho Square, tailors—.Tune 8, Bond and Pattisal, 'Change Alley. Cornbill. bankers-June 8, Childs, Leicester square, ,jeweller—htne 8, Jewsbury, Canterbury, linen-draper—June II, Masters. Ahlenham, Elstree, Hertford- shire, corn-dealer—June 13, Gilbert jun.. Coventry. coach-proprietor -.1 nne 1, Twort, Horsmouden, Kent, miller-June 12. Blincow, Holborn Bridge, grocer-June 15, 01 it. Maryport, Cumberland. ironmonger-June 8, Sowden, Manchester. cotton-marita- l:adorer-3 tine 11. Maurice, Dudley, printer—June 8. Halsted and Mot tershed, Healey Wood, Burnley, Lancashire, cotton-spinners—June 9, Rieder and Kay, Leeds, cloth- merchants.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on or before June 8.

Higgitt, Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, hatter-Coverdale, Barking. Essex, surgeon -Carrington. Seething Lane, Great Tower Street, bricklayer—De Metz, Walter's Buildings. Holloway. bill and exehange.broker-Robson, Green Lane. Dalstou. Cum- berland, common-brewer-11 issett, Dean Street. Soho. builder-Denman, Windsor Terrace. City Road. jeweller-Crofts, Wells next the Sea,Norfolk.merchaut-Reyuulds, Union Street, New Roston, dealer in coals.