WAR-OFFICE. May 16.-24 Beet: of Dragoons: Lieut. St. Vincent W. Ricketts to he Adam. vice Somerville. who resigns the Adjul antcy only-9th Regt, Light Dragoons: Lieut. B. Broadhead, from the Seth Fout, to be Lieut., vice Fullerton, who exchanges- 16th Light Dragoons : Assist.-Surg.. J. S. Chapman, from the 31st foot, to be Aisist- Serg., vim Murray, who exchanges-1st or Grenadier lieut. of Foot Guards : A. W. F. Somerset, Esq., Page of Honour to his Majesty, to be En;imi and Lieut., without pur- chase; Staff Assist -Sum. F. C. lint hwaite to be Assist-Sure. vice Wright, promottsi- 1st Rest. of Foot : Lieut. C. Len is to be Capt., without purchase, vice Macdonald, de- ceased ; Ensign 11. Kerr to be Lieut., vice Lew is; J. M. Carter, Gent., to be Ensign. vice Kerr-11 Foot: Capt. C. F. Holmes, from the 20th Foot, to be Capt.. vice lion. F. Cavendish, who exchanges-13th Feu: : Lima. It. Fat timer to be Cupt., without par- elute, vice Aitkin. deceased ; Ensign 3. 11. Fenn id; to be Lieut., vice Paitison; S. J. C. Irving. Gent.. to be Ensign. vice no:wick-20th Foot : Capt. lion. F. Cavendish, from the 2t1 Foot. to be Capt., Nice Holmes. who exchanges-31st Ft ot: Assist-Surg. D. Murray, from the 16 It Dragoons, to be ..kssist.-Surg., vice Chapman, who exchanges- 39th Foot : Lieutenant lion. J. Sinclair, from the half puy, to be Lieutenant, vice Champ, appointed to the 611 Foot-40th Foot : Ensizm F. White to be Lieutenant, without purchase, v tee Queade, deceased; 11. T. Bowen, gent., be E tdm: vice White- 49th Foot: Ens. NV. C. Rochtbrt to he Lieut., without purchase, vice Henderson, de. ceased ; J. Ramsay, Gent., to be Ens., vice. Ilochthrt —55th Rot: T,feut. G. Goodall to be Capt., witbent purchase, vice Elligood. Iteeensed ; Ens. C. B. Danheney to .he meat. without purchase, vice Boyes, promoted; Ens. F. J. bison to be Lieut., by purchase, vice Cary, promoted ; Ens. J. B. Rose, from the 50th Foot, to be Licit., without pur- chase, vim a Goodall-63d Foot : Lieut. W. T. N. Chang), from the 39th Foot. to be ice F. Thondd, who retires upon half-pay-75th Foot : R. I'. Pulesten, Gent., to be Ensign by purchase. vice kyle, who retires-79th Foot : Lieut. Crombie to be Capt. by purchase, vivo Brown; promoted ; Ensign NV. L. Scobell to be Lieut. by purehase, vice Crombie ; IV. C. Maxwell, t; ,vat. to be Ensign by purchase, vice Scobelt. —80th Foot : Lieut. B. E. Fullerton, from the 9th Light Dragoons, to be Lieutenant, vice Broadhead, who exeltanges-9Sth Foot : Ensign J. M'Cabe to be Lieutenant with- out purchase, yin! Atlye, deceased. Unattached—Capt. J. D. Brown, from the 79th Foot, to be Major of Infantry, by prirehase. Memoranda—The promotion of Ens. Bentley, from the 50th Foot, to be Lieut. in the 55th Foot, as stated. in the •Gazette of the 13th ult., has not taken place—Major J. Agnew. half-pay Unattached, has been allowed to retire from the service, by the sale of an Unattached Majority.
Erratum in the Gazette of the 13th of April—For Hon. E. G. Monekton to be Ens. in the 50th Foot, vier Bentley, promoted in the 55th Foot, read lion. E. G. Moucktou to be Ens. in the 5011i Foot, vice Hose, promoted in the 55th Foot.
The halfpay of the under-mentioned Gnieers has lien cancelled from the 18th inst., inclusive, they having accepted comunitt41 ahem ances for their commissions—Cornet J. Smith, half-jay Royal Waggon Train ; Lieu( . ll. Itlyth, Imlf pay New Brunswick Feucil;les.