The Duke of WELLINGTON and the leading Tories were in
high force tit the King's ball last night. His Grace was honoured with especial notice by the King. Only four of the Ministers were present.
It is reported that the Duke of Wellington is going to Spa.—Globe.
The Wellington Administration seems never to have consisted of more than his Grace and the half of Mr. Baring.—Globe. [No :Mi- nister, and no measure ever propounded, has yet cpntrived to get the whole of Mr. Baring.]
The Duke of RICHMOND, it is understood,. protested against the re- commendation of the Cabinet for the creation of I'ccrs. It is said that, notwithstanding, he retains office. We hope not. This would be a sad instance of Ministerial imbecility. He has been made mili- tary Aide-de-Camp to the King fbr his protest. Let him be content with that reward. The public expect more rational conduct from the Ministers on the subject of patronage than they have hitherto shown.