The Bridal ; a Song. Composed by C. E. HORN.
We fear this song is the last of CHARLES HoRN's that we shall be called on to review for sonic time, as we learn that he is departed for his second trip to the 'United States. HORN is a loss to our musical world. He is a well-educated musician, a clever composer, and a singer of no mean pretensions. He is best known as a ballad writer, and here he has few superiors ; but be has written enough in other styles to evince powers of a higher order than are necessary for the composition of such a song as "The Bridal." In this, as in most of his later pro- ductions, he has written "to order ;" often to the trashy words which publishers supply, and therefore he has written too loosely and too much. It,is not one of his best songs, but it is above the average value of songs.ih general.