The hill in all foreign affairs has lasted throughout the
week. It appears from the detailed reports that General Boulanger's tour in the Nord was fairly successful, the populace everywhere showing itself on his side; but the oppo- • sition was also pronounced and vigorous. In the Isere, he received on Sunday 14,000 votes, though he did not stand; but the Radical was elected, obtaining 40,000 votes, against 38,000 given to the Opportunist. This is an increase of 16,000 votes on the Radical side ; but the number of abstentions deprives the election of some of its meaning. In Eastern Europe nothing has occurred, but the reports that Montenegro has armed grow stronger, and a revolution is expected to break out in Servia, where Queen Natalie, a Russian, heads the Russian party. She is in Vienna, but was expected to return to Belgrade this week. Her husband, however, King Milt-in, absolutely refused his permission, believing in a plot to dethrone him in favour of the Queen as Regent and her son ; and the outbreak, like everything else, hangs fire. All Russo- phils everywhere are, in fact, watching the Emperor Frederick, who is for the moment slightly stronger. He has even recovered power to sit in a tent in the open air.