The Employers' Liability Bill, Of Which Mr. Matthews...
second reading on Thursday night, would, if carried in its present form, effect a considerable improvement in the law as it at present stands, but not nearly as much as might......
A Notable Murder Was Committed In Canonbury On Wednes- Day.
Mr. Wright, a bank clerk, is away at his business all day, leaving his wife, seventy-one years of age, at home alone. Between 2 and 4 o'clock in the afternoon, two men, both......
Mr. Chamberlain Made A Striking Speech On South Africa...
the London Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday. He maintained that our policy in that vast system of Colonies had hitherto been one of shirking responsibility, and that if we in-......
Sir George Trevelyan Unveiled A Portrait Of The Late Lord
Frederick Cavendish in the Mechanics' Hall, Keighley, on Wednesday, and delivered a very graceful speech on the occa- sion, marked by all his literary ability and insight. "I......
On Monday, Lord Rosebery Opened Formally A Swimming- Bath At
the People's Palace, which he had himself presented to the Beaumont trustees. The bath stands at the western side of the grounds, behind the technical schools, and measures at......
The Dreary, Rambling, And Unmeaning Resolutions Adopted...
the Irish Catholic Members against the Pope's Rescript on Thursday, will have no effect. They evade the Boycotting question altogether, and ignore the essential feature of the......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent, New Consols (21) Were On
Friday 99 to 99:......
Lord Randolph Churchill Delivered A Long Speech At...
Wednesday, full of cleverness and egoism. He ventures to predict that Irish agitation is dying away, and thinks that had Rome not known this to be the case, the action of the......
On Monday Evening, Too, There Was A Still More Ostentatious
piece of obstruction,—the debate which arose on Mr. Healy's attempt to declare the letter from Mr. Am/0ton, an Irish Resident Magistrate, announcing the conviction of Mr. Dillon......