19 MAY 1894, Page 2

The Co-operative Congress met at Sunderland on Monday,, the presidential

address being delivered by Mr. Tweddell, the chairman of the Newcastle branch of the Wholesale,—a co-operator noted for his share in the establishment of a great flour-mill at Dunston-on-Tyne. Mr. Tweddell, according to the report of the proceedings given in the Daily Chronicle, plunged at once into the vexed question of how profits ought to be shared. "Profit upon cost," said Mr. Tweddell, "I look upon as one of the many devices which human ingenuity has- contrived to enable one section of the community to appro- priate the wealth produced by another, and it should have no. place in a well-ordered co-operative community." If this- means that no interest is to be paid on capital, co-operation- will have but a short lease of life. Mr. Tweddell ended- by declaring that individualism would vanish from trade like • tyranny from Government. Possibly ; but at the same time- there is a good deal of healthy individualism in even your-- most zealous co.operator.