The Hungarian Government, With The Consent Of The...
decided not to give up the Civil Marriage Bill. It has the right, it appears, of reintroducing a rejected measure ; this has been done at once, and the Bill will again be sent......
One Wonders Sometimes Whether There Exists On The...
like a general dislike to the Conscription which may hereafter express itself in legislation. Nothing would alter the organisation of Continental society so com- pletely, or so......
News Of The Week.
T HE French Opportunists have found a strong man in M. Casimir-Thirier. The Radicals have been very angry at -what they think his concessions to clericalism, and on Thursday......
Mr. Mundella Has Resigned His Office As President Of The
Board of Trade. And, indeed, in that position it was inevit- able that he should do so, for it would probably have devolved on him, and, under certain circumstances, must have......
On Wednesday The Cabmen Of London Went On Strike, That
is to say, about 5,000 hansom-cab drivers ceased to hire their vehicles of the cab-owners. They say that they are charged from 15s. a day to 19s., according to the season, and......