The Clergy Directory, 1894. (J. S. Philips.)—There is little to
be said about this volume. It gives a variety of information which the compilers have no doubt taken a great amount of pains to make as correct and complete as possible. On many points we have no criticism to make. The list of the clergy, the details; about patronage, about Cathedral establishment, Army and Navy chaplains, &c., are all that could be desired, everything being brought up to the latest possible date. We notice particularly that a quite recent death is included in the obituary. But in the matter of the value of benefices we find ourselves much less pleased. Here are six examples taken successively, and abso- lutely at random. We give in two columns the values furnished by the Clergy Directory and the Clergy List of 1892 (the latest that we have at hand) :— Clergy Directory. Clergy List.
Askrigg 2122 ... ... .2105 .Aslackby 470 340
Aslacton 72 35 Aspat ... 200 Aspatria • -•450 400
Aspenden 8 ... 280
Now, how are we to account for these strange discrepancies, amounting in the aggregate to about 2500 ? For the most part, the value of a benefice was fixed at the time of the Commutation of Tithes. It varies with the corn averages, and is now at some- thing less than 75 per cent of the nominal value. It has been usual to give the nominal value, and the plan has its advantages. The Clerical Guide of 1887 (professing to give the "latest official return ") furnishes the following figures :—.2105, 2390, 235. .2260, 2450, 2380.