19 MAY 1894, Page 29

The Record of Technical and Secondary Education, which is published

quarterly, continues to discharge the important, if matter-of-fact, duty of marking the progress made by County 'Councils and cther local authorities in the administration -of the Technical Instruction Acts. Both in its editorial notes and in long articles it gives ample proofs of the character .of this progress. The most notable of the contents of this number of the Record is a somewhat lengthy, yet not prolix, paper by Mr. F. H. Millington, J.P., on" Technical and Secondary Education in an English County." The county selected is

Norfolk. Mr. Millington has made it absolutely clear that the Council of Norfolk has worked hard and to the purpose, and that there, as almost everywhere else, the least successful part of its labour has been its attempt to reach the men and women actually engaged in manual labour.