19 MAY 1900, Page 1

The second ballots for the municipality of Paris were taken

on Sunday, and resulted in a complete victory for the Nationalists, who have now a majority of three in the Hotel de Ville. They threaten great things when the Exhibition closes, and meanwhile are adoring Colonel Marchand, the hero of Fa.shoda, and urging the Opposition in the Chambei to overthrow the Government. The Government, however, is not disposed to be overthrown, and is comforted by the reflection that in the provinces the Republicans have gained one hundred and four municipalities and lost only fifteen. It is, of course, not pleased at the elevation of what is really a flag of insurrection at the Hotel de Vile, but it confides in the Army, in the rural population, and in the total absence of any considerable leader on the Nationalist side. Its gravest danger is from defections within the Republican ranks in the Chamber, which is choked with men who think that they ought to be Ministers, and would be but that somebody else is in power.