The Temple Primerb.—the Civilisation Of India. By Romesh...
(J. M. Dent and Co. 1s. 6d. net.)—This is one of the "Temple Primers," and is in some respects worthy of belonging to what promises to be an excellent aeries. The author is well......
Theology.—the Epistles Of The New Testament In Current...
Idiom. By Henry Hayman, D.D. (A. and C. Black. 3s. 61) —Dr. Hayman prints the Authorised Version of the Epistles on one page and a paraphrase in the ordinary language of the day......
Hitscuttsmtous. — The Parish And Church Of Godalming. By...
Stock. 10s. 6d.)—The writer brings his professional knowledge as an architect to bear on the history of Godalming Church, and has given us a very complete account of the......
Biography.••." The Beacon Biographies," Edited By M. A
De Wolfe Howe (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co., 2s. 6d. per vol.), are intended to be "a series of brief, readable, and authoritative accounts of the lives of those Americans who......