19 MAY 1900, Page 25

hitscuttsmtous. — The Parish and Church of Godalming. By S. Welman. (Elliot

Stock. 10s. 6d.)—The writer brings his professional knowledge as an architect to bear on the history of Godalming Church, and has given us a very complete account of the structure and of the modifications which it has undergone. It suffered from an injudicious treatment in the early days of ignorant zeal; some of the mischief than done has since been repaired, as far as may be. -Some curious details about other matters are given. Generally, Mr. Welman has made a valuable addition to the rapidly increasing list of parochial histories.—The Amateur Practical Garden Book. By C. E. Hunn and L. H. Bailey. (Macmillan and Co. 3s. 6d. net.) —This manual is written, in the first place, for America. This affects some of the practical directions and some of the criticisms on the varieties of plants. The English experience of tea-roses, for instance, is not so disappointing as that of our author's seems to have been. The necessary corrections and modifications will be very easily made. These allowed for, the volume will be found highly useful. It deals with everything that the owner of an English garden is likely to want. We see, how- ever, no mention of the quince.—Another book on one of the most interesting and remunerative branches of the gardener's art is Ornamental Shrubs, by Lucien D. Davis (G. P. Putnam's Sons, 15s.) This also comes from the other side of the Atlantic. It is probably true that whereas many shrubs that flourish in England without protection are not sufficiently hardy to stand the climate in the Northern section of the States, we might naturalise here whatever can endure more rigorous conditions there. From this point of view Mr. Davis's volume will he found to have considerable interest and utility. Let any one, for instance, examine what Mr. Davis has to say about varieties of the lilac, and he will see that there is great room for improve- ment in this respect in the average English garden. The fact is that the less the gardener (within certain limits) is favoured by climate to the more purpose he exerts himself.—Yet another volume, but dealing this time with agriculture rather than horti- culture, comes from the other side of the Atlantic, Rural Wealth and Welfare, by Geo. T. Fairchild, LL.D. (Macmillan and Co., 5s. net). This, it should be explained, does not deal with the methods and processes of agriculture, but with what may be called its politics. The sub-title is "Economic Principles Illus- trated and Applied to Farm Life." It is accompanied by a number of "Illustrative Charts" of great interest. The fluctua- tions of price, as exhibited in these, are very curious. These, however, are not less marked in non-agricultural products (con- nected with the occupation) than in agricultural. The top price of wheat reached between 1878 and 1898 was 62. 6d. the bushel (in 1879 80) ; the lowest was 14d. in 1894.95; whereas refined kerosene was at 16d. in 1869 and 3d. in 1896.—In this con- nection Nee( may mention A Glossary of Botanic Terms, by Benjamin Daydon Jackson (Duckworth and Co., fis. net), a volume which gives a very considerable portion of botanic science conveniently arranged. —The Stage as a Career. By Philip G. Hubert. (G. P. Putnam's Sons. 3s. 6d.) —This book, says the author, "will not keep off the stage any one who ought to be on it, while it may discourage those to whom a dramatic career offers nothing but disappoint- ment." If it really does that, it will very nearly put an end to the stage altogether. The lower ranks are filled by men and women who enlist hoping to be officers and are obliged to remain as privates. Practically, the answer to the average inquirer, "Shall I try the stage ? " is "Don't." This is a very thorny subject, but we can only say to mothers and fathers, Read the analyses of the plays that are produced nowadays '—one of them described the other day as far worse than La Dame aux Camel (as and say whether you would like your daughter to act in them.' Exceptions there are, but how rare !—Side-Saddle Riding, by Eva Christy (Vinton and Co., 6s.), is a book of instruction for ladies, sufficiently illustrated with photographs of saddles, reins, &c.