Among Horses in South Africa. By Captain Hayes, F.R.C.V.S late
of the Buffs. (R. A. Everett and Co. 5s.)—The author of this readable story of a short visit to South Africa has borrowed its title from a more truly " horsey " book, in which he gave his experiences of the mounts and training of the Russian cavalry ("Among Horses in Russia," Everett and Co., 102. 6d.) The South African journey was a business tour, in which he showed his method of breaking in incorrigible horses, which he did on a system of his own with great success. At Pretoria the Boers broke into the second performance without paying, but were driven out by General Joubert "with voice and hand." Captain Hayes broke the horses, and his wife rode them afterwards. The Boer "States Artillery" were so pleased at this that they used to salute the lady in the street, though the audience were delighted when a Dutch horse nearly killed her husband, regard ing the contest as one between "nationalities." The book is verb readable. The Russian experiences will be new to most English readers. Though the greatest horse-owning nation in Europe. the Russians are not "horsemen" as we understand the word. They like the artificial vian?ge in which the horse loses all will of its own; but do not ride across country, or regard the horse as a means of sport. Nevertheless, the part played in daily life by the horse is greater than in any other European country. The accounts of this are full and interesting.