19 MAY 1928, Page 15


It would be worth the while of the keepers of the sanctuary to do a little research work In the matter of bird boxes.' It is claimed—by no less a person than Mr. Henry Ford among others—that if the boxes are allowed to swing free unautho- rized birds, especially sparrows, will have nothing to do with them. The Brent Valley sanctuary is interesting, because of its semi-insular position ; and I hear that it proves peculiarly attractive to that most intriguing bird, the nightjar. More species of bird are undoubtedly taking an affection for the neighbourhood of London. For example, kik week there were certainly as many as three or four cuckoos in Kew Gardens and at least as many chiffchaffs. So ample and attractive and safe are the open spaces near London, the wonder is that all birds do not frequent them.

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