Agricultural Shows Opened This Week At • Oxford, . Which,
as a county, is certainly not a home of lost causes agricultur- ally. It nurses at Kingston Bagpuze, on its borders, the most thorough experiment in intensive fanning that can......
A Vermin's Affection. • The Story Of The Courageous...
of a young weasel, told in this place the other day, has evoked many parallels ;from eorrespOndents. The most interesting comes from a %yell-known sportsman in Sussex. He writes......
Maligned Woodpeckers.
It may be said that the circulation of the woodpecker is going up rapidly. The other day ML Eric Parker maintained to the amazement of most naturalists—that the Greater Spotted......
Instrumental Music.
On the subject of the woodpecker and :As musical gifts here is a testimony from a very skilful and thorough naturalist. He writes " Have you noticed that someone has written to......
Country Life
THE LOVELIEST FLOWER. ; After seeing in perfect bloom a score or more of the plants, I am willing to confess that the most lovely flower in the world is the blue poppy brought......
Research In Bird Boxes.
It would be worth the while of the keepers of the sanctuary to do a little research work In the matter of bird boxes.' It is claimed—by no less a person than Mr. Henry Ford......
Were Grown Singly In Pots ; But This Meconopsis Is
not delicate. Those grown under glass were thought to be a trifle straighter, more . upright in form than the rest, but a cottager could grow ,the flower, if he were a careful......
Sc Dice And Farming.
The men of science—at Oxford and elsewhere—are, in part, responsible for this. "Some of the queer unexpected ways in which science is coming to the help of farming were illus-......