[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sur,—Your correspondent Sinim," in your issue of May 12th, states " that the existence of our large body of unem- ployed vitiates many a pretty Free Trade theory." A Free Trader might expatiate on the existing. 4,000,000 unemployed in the Protectionist U.S.A. Great Britain's percentage of unemployed is really comparatively small in view of the pre- ponderance of her urban population-45,000,000 as against 1,250,000 engaged in agriculture.
The only value Protection could possibly afford Great Britain would be its application to imported wheat, flour, cheese, butter, and meat, in order to revive agriculture and diminish the prevailing disparity between her urban and rural population, but the most rabid Protectionists realize the impracticability of this policy in view of the undoubted hostility of the former to any tax on food, products.—I am,