Dhiren Bhagat Memorial Appeal
IN THE tragic death of Dhiren Bhagat, British and Indian journalism lost one of its brightest stars. As Spectator read- ers will remember, few could match Dhiren Bhagat for his fluency and style of language or for the meticulous re- search which went into his articles and reports. Friends of Dhiren Bhagat have established a trust in his memory so that the ideas and ideals which he pursued with honesty, integrity and relentless tenacity may continue to live after him. The Dhiren Bhagat Memorial Trust is motivated by a desire to promote excell- ence in journalism and creative writing and to enable worthy and needy stu- dents to receive higher education both in India and abroad. The Trust would strive to fulfil the objectives concerned with learning and scholarship and the related activities dear to Dhiren.
The Trustees of the Dhiren Bhagat Memorial Trust appeal to all friends and admirers generously to donate funds to the Trust, for, without your contribution, neither the Trust, nor the bold trend set by Dhiren in journalism, will survive.
Contributions, which will be grateful- ly acknowledged, should be made out to the Dhiren Bhagat Memorial Trust and sent to The Spectator.