The South African Way Of Death
Samantha Weinberg MY TRAITOR'S HEART by Rian Malan Bodley Head, £14.95, pp. 349 I n 1985, Simon Mpungose, the Empangeni Hammerman, murdered four white people in their beds,......
There's no satisfaction either side of the grave. Succubi, fairies, houris, ghoulish sex can't give me what I nightly crave: make me whole again; assuage my soulish aches. The......
Prayer For Rain
Lord, you who can make the Australian desert flower with a single rainfall once in seventy years remember me, whose three score years and ten are running out. Diana Hendry......
Time Past And Time Present
Francis King THE LAST WORLD by Christoph Ransmayr Chatto & Windus, £12.95, pp. 202 F rom the first two or three pages of this novel, describing the gruelling 17-day voyage of......