(Closing Prices.) Tuesday.
3 per Cent. Consols 14 941
941 94i
94} 949 Ditto for Account 99} 942 941 941 94} 941 3 per Cents. Reduced 931 939 931 931 931 939 34 per Cents. Reduced 1009 1004 1004 1001 1009 1009 New 3} per Cents 1014 1011 1014 1019 1019 1014 Lnug Annuities 121 129 129 129 129
124 Bank Stock, 7 per cent
1721 172 1714 169} 170 169 India Stock, 10} 262 - 2614 2601 260} 261} Exchequer Bills. 94. per diem 60 pm. 60 60 57 56 55 India Bonds, 3} per cent
53 pm. 51 51 51 53 FOREIGN FUNDS.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) labama (Sterling) 5p. Ct. - Mexican 5 p. Ct. 33 Arkansas (1863) 6 - - Ditto (Deferred) 5 - 9} Austrian 5 - -
Michigan 6
B 5 - 1024 Mississippi (Sterling) ...¢
Beralgriialinan 5 -
65 Neapolitan 5
Buenos Ayres 6 - 229 New York (1855) 5 76} Cuba 6 - - Ohio 6
Chiliau 6 - 91 Peunsylvania 5
Columbian of 1824 6 219 Peruvian 6 17 Danish 3 - 83} Portuguese 3 229 Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) .24 - 521 Ditto 5
Ditto(Ditto) - 100} Ditto (New) 5 3,94 French 3 - - Russian 5 113 Ditto 5 - - Spanish 5 189 Indiana (Sterling) 5 -
Ditto (Passive) 4} Illinois 6 - - Ditto (Deferred) 101 Kentucky 6 - - South Carolina 5 p. Ct. 72f Louisiana (Sterling) ....5 - - Tennessee 6 -
Maryland 6 -
United States Bank 10.r.
Wassachuseetts (Sterling)5 - 91 Virginia 5 -
521 38 18 22 13 16 42} 33} 10 110 841 105 26 25} 18 SHARES.
during the Week ending Friday Evening.) BANKS-
_ Australasian 94 British North American 3. Colonial - London and Westminster - London Joint Stock National of Ireland - National Provincial Provincial of Ireland Union of Australia 81 Union of London - DOCKS - 84 East and West India - London 35} St. Katherine
- Australian Agricultural 187 British American Land 9} Canada 68 General Steam 641 New Zealand 60} Royal Mail Steam 23 South Australian 60 Van Diemeu's Land (Last Official Quotation
Butanes Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John del Rey) British Iron Cata Branca Candonga Cobre Copper
Cheltenham and Great Western Eastern Counties GrandJunction Great Western Liverpool and Manchester. London and Brighton London and Blackwell Loudon and Greeuwich London and Birmingham London and Croydon Manchester and Leeds Midland Conuties North Midland South-eastern and Dover South-western BULLION. METALS. Gold, Foreign in Bms ...per as. 81. 171. 94. Copper, British Cakes.per ton 841. HIs. to 0 55 Old Spanish, or Pillar Dollars.... 0 0 0 Iron, British Bars 5 10 0- 0 55 Mexicans Dollars 0 4 al Lead, British Pig 17 11 0-17 55
Silver lu Bars. Standard 0 4 Ilk Steel, English 0 0 0- 0 05
Llay, Good 884... Ns. 71s.. 845.
Inkrior 75 .. 141 0 .. 0 New Clover 94 .. 115 68 .. 108 0 ,.. 0 .. .. 00 .. Its
Straw, Wheat S8 .. 42 85 .. 40 0 . 0 is .. 42
Rent Pockets ....
Choice Ditto Sussex Pockets Superfine Ditto BUTCHERS' MEAT.
NEWGIATE AND LEADENHALL.* Beef 25. 44 to Ss. Od. to 35. 10d. SMITHFIELD" _ .
Mutton 2 II .. 3 0 .. 3 0 2s. 4d. to lls. Od to 41. Rh
Veal PLealb 2 II .. 3 4 .. 4 0
2 8 .. 8 8 .. 4 0 3no 0 . .. t e :: : 6.
515 ..4 2 .. 4 s • To sink the offal-per Ribs o o .. o 0 .. 0 ° HEAD OF CATTLE AT SMITHFIELD. Beasts. Sheep. Mrs.
Friday Monday Calves.
2811 ........ 54'659
GRAIN, Mark Lane, November 18th.
Maple Bateau Wilde 34 ..
Boilers 36. 311 Beans, 'Deka 25 .. 27 Old t 9 „al Harrow ao .. at e.
Oats, Need... 17 to 19 Floe M.. 20 Poland St.. 53 Fine 23 54 Potato 24 Fine 25 e s.
30 to3,
Wheat, RedNew 48 to 52 Rye Fine 52 ..54 Barley ..... Sr White 40 .. 48 Malting 36 ..55 Fine 5$ Mall, Ordinary. 46 48 I?' 48 .. 30
arfi-N-V::t Peas, Hog ai..aa
Town-made per sack 13s. to its Seconds 38 - 43 Essex and Suffolk, on beard ship 35 - 40 Norfolk and Stockton 33 38 liltAN per quarter Os. to Os. POLLARD, fine Os. too., BREAD, Old. to 74d. the 41b. Loaf. PROVISIONS.
BUTTER-Best Fresh, 144. Od.per dol. Carlow, 41. 0,. to 41.6s. per cwt. BACON, Small Old, per cwt.... 371. to HD. CHEESE. Cheshire 585. to 845. Derby Philo 51e. to 565. HAMS, York Ids. to 74s. EGGS, French... per 120 Is. 6d. to 55. Od. AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the present Week.
Oets........... 18 0 Peas.. 35 8 Oats 8 0 Peas Brley28 Beans39 2 Barley a 50s. 011 By II 4d. Wheat ... CO. Od R I ye 9 0 Beaos Wheat
PO eft. to 90s. York Reda... ... ....T..A..T.O..peESrt.. n 35. to ela
1u0 - 140 Wal0 0 - 0 70 85 Middilieg 1
0 - 0
76 1M Chats 0 8