The Carlsruhe Gazette Of The 15th Instant Hints At The
remodelling of the semi-independent provinces of European Turkey : it says, that a powerful party of Greeks and Catholics has been formed at Wal- lachia, with a view of bringing......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTHS. On the let June. on board the Trial, on her passage to Sydney, the Wife of Her HARPER, Esq:, of Sydney. of a son. On the 13th. on board the East India ship Clifton, in......
A Letter From Berlin, Dated 10th November, Announces That...
King of Prussia "has just founded a chair of Political Economy at the University of Bonn, and has appointed to it M. Dahlmann, who, in 1837, was dismissed from his situation as......
The Times Has A Letter From Funchal, In Madeira, Brought
down to the 2d November, which forms a startling supplement to the summary of tempest disasters: the island has been visited by the most dreadful storm that has occurred since......
SATURDAY NIGHT. By the Clyde West Indian mail-steamer, which left Nassau on the 3d instant, we have received papers from Jamaica to the 19th October, and from the other colonies......
The Lords of the Privy Council met in the Court of Exchequer on Saturday afternoon, to settle the roll of Sheriffs for the ensuing year. There were present, besides the......