19 NOVEMBER 1842, Page 7



On the let June. on board the Trial, on her passage to Sydney, the Wife of Her HARPER, Esq:, of Sydney. of a son. On the 13th. on board the East India ship Clifton, in the Java Seas, the Lady of Cap' tans JAMES A. COX, of a daughter.

On the 6th November, at Hamburg, the Lady of GEORGE Jones. Esq., of a son. On the 13th, in the Close, Salisbury, the Lady of GEORGE B. TOWNSEND, Esq , of a daughter.

On the 13th, at West Mailing. the Wife of the Rev. J. H. Truing, of a son. On the 13th, in Willow Walk, Keutish Town, the Lady of Assistant Commissary- General DINWIDDIE, of a daughter. On the 14th, at Vine House, Old Bromptou, Mrs. JOHN Lr.ewELyrr, of a daughter. On the 14th, iu Grosvenor Square, the Countess of GALLOWAY, of a daughter. On the 14th, at Kensington Square, the Lady of Major Jon CAMPBELL, Forty-first Regiment Madras Nathe Infantry of a daughter. On the 15th, at Dover, the Lady of EDWARD Rim Esq., M.P., of a daughter, still- born.


On the 6th August, at Annandale House, Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, Herray, eldest son of the Rev. John Bickersteth, A.M., Rector of Sapcote. Leicestershire, to JANE. fifth daughter of the late Thomas Boswell, Esq., of Hammersmith Terrace. K On the 15th September, at the Old Church. Calcutta, FREDERICK Heuer, M.D.. son of Colonel Mouat, Hon. East India Company's Service, to MARY RENNARDS, youngest daughter of the late William Boyce, Esq.. of Raleigh House. Brixton, Surrey.

On the 10th October. at Malta, S. Rose, Esq.. to Jaws, youngest daughter of the late Hector Zimelli. Esq., Swedish and Norwegian Consul at that island. On the 15th November, at All Souls' Church, St. Marylebono, the Rev. Wir.wAss Putexterer, Rector of Hoisted Keynes, Sussex, to SARAH, fourth daughter of the late Rev. Samuel White, D.D., Incumbent of Hampstead. Ou the 15th, at St. Mary's Church, Chelteuharn. the Rev. H. M. Smarm, Rector of Bathwick, Bath. to ELISABETH, only daughter of the late Rev. John Levesou Hamil- ton, Rector of Ellesborough, Bucks, DEATHS. On the 13th August last, at Ferozepore, on the North-west Frostier of Bengal. Lieutenant Ataixerrnra JAMES HAIO, Tweuty-fourth Native lufantry, and Adlutant of the Fourth Irregular Hor,e, son of the late Alexander Haig, Esq., of Marlborongh Buildings, Bath. On the 5th September, at Sodepore, Bengal. his boat being lost in a storm HENRY Hose Pellets, Esq., fourth son of the Rev. Thomas Ferris, of Dallington, Sussex; iu his 26th year. On the 9th November, at Gravesend, Captain GEORGE CANNING. R.N. ; in his 66th year.

Os the 10th, in Great King Street, Edinburgh, ANN WILLI/AM/A HOPE, Wife of Her- cules James Robertson, Esq., Sheriff of Renfrewshire, and daughter of the Right Hon. Charles Hope, late Lord Justice Geueral. On the 13th, at her house. Bootham. York, MARY, Relict of the late Samuel Francis Barlow. El-. of Middlethorpe. Yorkshire; in her 91st year.

On the 1 th, the Rev. JAngs HENRY &mg, perpetual Curate of Bye, near Peter- borough; in his 40th year

On the 13th. at Hemingstone Hall. Suffolk, WILLIAM MAartN, Esq.; in hie 82d year. On the 15th. at his residence. Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin, the Right Rev. Dr. Saunas, Lord Bishop of Cashel and Waterford; in his 64th Near.

On the 151h. at the Royal Huspital, Chelsea, Sir Grottos TOWNSEND WALKER, Bart, G.C.B., and K.T.S., &c., Colonel of the Fiftieth Regiment; in his 71th year. On the 15th, at Carshalten, much regretted, the Rev. E. T. BMWs, of that place, and Slines Oakes, Chelsham, Surrey ; in his 66th year. On the 15th, in the Crescent, Southampton, ANNE, Wife of Robert Smith, Esq.; in her 30th year.

On the 15th. at Gloucester Terrace. Cambridge Heath. Mrs. TAYLOR I in her 70111 year. Ou the 15th, at Sudbury. ROBERT ANDERSON. Req.; in his 80th year. Os the 18th, at Stoke Newington, the Rev. Dr. FOYAII, Rector of St. James's, Duke's Place. City.