The Reliance, Green, from China to London, was wrecked near Boulogne, on the 12th instant, the master, crew, and passengers, (about 100 persons,) with the exception the carpenter and five Lascars drowned. The Cinderella, Edwards, from Calcutta to London, put into Mauritius 14th August, to stop a leak, and was discharging to be examined. Arnved-At Gravesend. Nov. 14. Diamond, Taylor; and Louha Munro. Doxford, from Calcutta; 15th, Jean, Clark, from the Cape; Mary, Tens, from Bombay ; Corn- wall, Minded; Forth, Baxter ; and Isabella, Gray, from Singapore; and John Henry Yates, Mouling, from China: 16th. Oscar, Barton from Calcutta.
At Cowes. 14th, Ceylon, Leslie, from Manilla. At Plymonth, 13th, Ann Rankin, M'Arthur, from Moulmein. Off Dartmouth, 16th, Reaper, —. from Calcutta. At Liverpool, 12th. Marquis of Bute, Kemp; and Mary Campbell, from
Bombay ; Blair, Oldham, from Ceylon; Chieftain, Clark ; and Expressi Campbell, from Calcutta. Al St. Helena, Sept. 25th, Queen Mab, Ainsley, from China; Passenger. Watson, from Singapore; and Tigris, M• Gill, from Calcutta. At the Cape of Good Hope, previous to Sept. 13th, Cape Packet, Lamb; Adelaide, Wharton; Vellore, Bell; Barrys, Dixon ; Susan Crisp, Cobden; Mary Rey. Ellwood ; William Pitt. Francis ; Maidstone, Nash ; Stork. Gordon ; George FYre, Pike; and Malabar. Pollock, from London. (the latter in a leaky state, having been on shore) ; Bebe, Younger; cud Iris, Linton, from Ceylon. Universe, Ritchie, from Bombay ; and Fairlie, Garrett, from Madras. SATURDAT MORNING, Arrived-At Dartmouth, Passenger, Watson, from Singapore.
At Falmouth-Regular, Sudo, from China.
At Liverpool-Queen Mob, Ainsley ; and Tigris. M`Gill, from Calcutta. At Si. Helena-Prince Albert, Bruton, from Madras.
Sailed- From Gravesend, Nov. 18th, Zenobia, Horn, for Calcutta. From Liver- pool, Buenos Ayrean, Conti, for ditto.