The Abbeville Jaw. By J. L. Rome, F.G.S. (Longman and
Co.)— Mr. Rome is a savant and an orthodox theologian. He is therefore very severe, and justly severe, on the gentlemen who allowed themselves to be hoaxed by the workmen at Abbeville. But that man existed more than five thousand years ago is a position which is proved just as much by the finding of genuine flint hatchets as of human remains, and Mr. Rome confesses that genuine hatchets were found. He refuses, however, to concede the enormous antiquity claimed for the gravelsof the Somme Valley by Sir Charles Lyell, and thinks the necessity of the case will be mot by expanding the orthodox chronology some thousands of years or admitting the existence of an inferior pro-Adamic race. Mr. Rome will find that this is exactly what "the Biblicists " will not do, and if he were RS profound a theologian as we do not doubt he is geologist he would see
that they are wise in their generation. •