A Gold Currency For India. By Lieutenant-general Sir W. R.
Mansfield, K.C.B. (John Murray.)—An essay on so obscure and diffi- cult a branch of political economy by so distinguished a soldier will naturally attract attention, and,......
The Abbeville Jaw. By J. L. Rome, F.g.s. (longman And
Co.)— Mr. Rome is a savant and an orthodox theologian. He is therefore very severe, and justly severe, on the gentlemen who allowed themselves to be hoaxed by the workmen at......
Beppo The Conscript.*
MR. AnoLenus TROLLOPE is, though slowly, visibly improving. The lexicographical part of his novels is melting away by degrees under the mild ray of a beneficent criticism. We......
Miscellaneous Poems, By Ann Stuart Thompson. (hamilton,...
verses are, we presume, written by Mrs. Thompson as nursery rhymes for her children, and such of thorn as deal with secular subjects, although entirely without thought of any......
Current Literature.
The Fine Arts Quarterly Review, No.5 (Chapman and Hull), is thin, very thin in quality. The author of the article on G. Dore, the greatest of book- illustrators, has not......