Sermons preached in Indiana Place Chapel, Boston. By James Free-
man Clarke. (Boston : Walker, Wise, and Co.)—The author belongs to the Church of the Disciples, but what the tenets of that sect may be we do not pretend to say, nor do these sermons teach us. They are pleasant, sensible addresses, rather in the tone of the sermons addressed to Unitarian congregations in this country, and are principally remarkable for moderation of tone. Preached during the last three years, and constantly alluding to the war, they prove that the violent buncombe which some of the preachers of Now York utter does not in the least represent the general tone of American ministers. But it is part of the system of misrepre- sentation which the Times has from the first maintained to cull the most violent extracts from the most violent speeches and articles in the Northern States and publish them as samples of the ordinary " utter- ances " of the period.