19 NOVEMBER 1864, Page 23

The Elements of Logic. By Thomas Shedden, M.A., Si. Peter's


Cambridge. (Longman and Co.)—The object of the author seems to have boon to compile a text-book for students, and this be has success- fully accomplished. He explains the most useful parts of the Aristotelian logic, and at the same time combines with them the views of Whately, Mill, Sir William Hamilton, and Archbishop Thomson, to

whom the work is dedicated "with his kind permission." He follows, however, none of those writers implicitly, expressing his grounds of difference clearly and positively. Still Mr. Shedden's book is, we think, bettor adapted as a text-book for the lecture or class-room than for the general reader. It has a good index.

We have also received A True Narrative of an Unjust Incarceration in. Two Lunatic Asylums, by a Surgeon (G. Abington); Part IV. of Mr. H.

Ward Beecher's Sermons (J. Heaton and Sons); Modern Protestantism, by a Layman (Holyoake and Co.); The Report of a Discussion on the Proposed Admission of Girls to the University Local Examinations hold at a meeting of the Association of Social Science (Emily Faithfull); Pentecostal Fear, a sermon preached at Cuddeadon by the Rev. John Keble (John Henry and James Parker); No. VII. of The AVne Journal- (Longman and Co.); and Old Moore's Abnanack for 1865 (T. Roberts and Co.).