Mr. Odo Russell has been sent,—rumour says not so much
by Lord Granville as by the whole Cabinet,—to the Prussian head- quarters at Versailles. It seems to be universally understood that his mission is to get an explicit answer from the Prussian Govern- ment whether this Russian tearing-up of the Treaty of 1856 is done with the sanction and concurrence of Prussia ; and if not, what attitude Prussia is prepared to take in relation to Russia's professed purpose of setting her engagements at defiance. We do not suppose a better selection than that of Mr. Odo Russell could have been made for the purpose. He has been trained in one of the best schools of diplomatic art, that of Rome ; and if he catches Count Bismarck at Versailles,— there is a rumour, no doubt an idle one, that Count Bismarck was going to Vevey for a day or two to see the Countess, and delay his interview with Mr. Odo Russell,—he will bring back a very clear impression of the Chancellor's real intentions with him.