The Flower Of Kildalla. By Mrs. Murray. 3 Vols. (chapman
and Hall.)—There is a great deal of love-making in these volumes, which, we cannot but say, we found very tedious, oven when we met with the exciting circumstance of one of the......
The Spaniel Inquisition. By Janet Gordon. (nimmo.)—this...
little book of its kind, not dwelling more than is necessary on the horrors of the subject, and, though manifestly Protestant in tone — and it is difficult not to be Protestant......
Current Literature.
The Testimony of the Catacombs. By the Rev. W. B. Marriott_ (Hatchards.)—We have here the answer to the controversial side of the work lately published on the same subject by......
The Tientsin Massacre.* We Commend This Book To The Serious
attention of all who wish to gain clear ideas on the origin and character of the outrages by which Tientsin has been recently disgraced ; and on the question connected with it,......