Wild Races of South-Eastern India. By Captain T. H. Lewin.
(Allen and Co.)—Captain Lewin is the Deputy Commissioner of the district called "Hill Tracts," a country lying on the south-eastern
shores of the Bay of Bengal, and known by the native name of Chitta- gong. He gives us here one of those interesting books the production
of which is almost peculiar to our English race. Other nations have great travellers, who, if not more adventurous than ours, often take to their work a more complete preparation. But no nation has men living in every region of the world, with an official position which gives them better opportunities of observation than any traveller can ever have. Captain Lewin does his work the better because be, so to speak, believes in his hill tribes, does not look down at them from any serene height of civilization, but thinks that there is a good deal to be said for them. His book is fall of curious information ; of their strange customs, for instance, which are so remarkable for their ingenious and complicated absurdity.