19 NOVEMBER 1927, Page 12


To a Little Maid Bly bonny queen ! Sae young an' blithe !

Sae gentle an' sae kind Fair fa' your journey—lang's the road Wi' storm ahint the wind.

Can disappointment's stanc on stane Build in that breast a cell ?

Nae heart can sing that lacks the room Wi' sympathy to swell I Or can the warld wi' boorish dint Harden that gentle soul Till angels weeping see thy name Fade frae th' immortal scroll ?

Na! Like the snowdrop wilt thou be

Whilk blast nor chill can harm, But bears the stamp n' -Heaven's grace, Inviolable charm My bonny lass, remember aye, Tho' a' the warld be blind, 'Tis worth the wand an' a' to be Sae gentle an' sac kind.

R. H. Mucous.