19 NOVEMBER 1927, page 3

The Release Of Oscar Slater, After Serving Eighteen And A

half years of his life sentence for murder, recalls public attention to a remarkable case of which nobody has any reason to be proud. In 1908 Slater was con- victed by a......

Sir Philip Cunliffe-lister, Who Is In Charge Of The Bill,

met the objections of the Opposition so far as to fix a time limit of ten years for every part of the Bill. He also postponed the full restriction of advance booking. In other......

In The House Of Commons On Wednesday The Labour Party

objected to the President , of the Board of Trade being put up by the Government to answer the vote of censure on the coal-mines question. They demanded that Mr. Baldwin should......

Much Turned Upon The Evidence Of A Girl Who Identified

Slater as the man whom she had seen running out of Miss Gilchrist's house, but subsequent events showed that this girl's word was by no means to be trusted. It is quite true......

In The- House Of Commons On Monday The Debate On

the Report stage of the Films Bill was oddly confused owing to the passion for individualistic principles which was unexpectedly revealed by Socialists. The argument by 'a......

Bank Rate, 41 Per Cent., Changed From 5 Per Cent.,

on April 21st, 1927. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 1001; on Wednesday week 1001; a year ago 9911. Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Wednesday 851; on Wednesday week......

It Would Not Matter So Much If Finance Were The

only matter in whit.h the Government have thrown over the Blanesburgh Committee. They have not yet even decided whether they will act on the important sugges- tion that the......