[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
Sin,--Roadside advertising signs have grown to such vast proportions during the last few years that rural England is being slowly but surely ruined. Legitimate advertising is one thing : to spoil a beauty spot is quite another story. • It would be well in this connexion if other firms who rely upon this form of making known their products would follow the lead of the Dunlop Co., who over four years ago removed all their roadside signs. The company felt that to spoil the beauties of the countryside was too big a price to pay for making known their tyres.
It is surely an anomaly that the firms who are the chief offenders in spoiling the beauty of the countryside—and therefore tending to spoil the enjoyment of motorists—are firms connected with the motor and allied industries. It is appreciated that it may be very difficult for individual firma to take action, but possibly the Society of Motor Manufac- turers and Traders might be persuaded to act in this matter and speak on behalf of the industry as a whole.- I am, Sir, &e., E. T. BROWN. The Authors' Club, Whitehall Court, S.W .1.