19 NOVEMBER 1927, Page 2

The Riga correspondent of the Times says that Trotsky and

Zinovieff, as a result of expulsion from the Party, are deprived of all political rights. They must leave their privileged dwellings in the kremlin and submit to the special surveillance of the Ogpu—the latest form of the Cheka. If they should be arrested and punished by the Ogpu they would have no right of appeal. The correspon- dent believes that the Opposition is not strong enough seriously to resist the Stalinists, but other reports say that Trotsky has prepared a revolt and that it is spreading. Hitherto the Opposition has . held .public meetings at which the rulers have been not only criticized but de- nounced ; now it seems that all its movements will be driven underground and for that reason may become the more dangerous. The ante-dating of the expulsion of Trotsky and Zinovieff from the Party is no doubt due to their conduct during the recent celebrations of the tenth anniversary of Bolshevism. Instead of standing with the other party officials in dignified autocratic isolation, they mingled with the crowd, tried to organize demonstrations against Stalin and distributed Opposition leaflets.