A New Competition
WE have pleasure in announcing a new and somewhat diffiCult competition for those of our readers who have a literary turn of mind. The Editor offers a prize of twenty guineas for the best short story describing some incident in his own or a friend's life, or some incident that has occurred to an imaginary person. The length of the story should be between 1,400 and 2,800 words. Action and originality are desirable, but we are interested in any story which is good, reading. We reserve the right to publish Other stories submitted at a fee of five guineas. Contributions must be typed, with the author's name and address at the top right-hand corner and marked " Competition." They will only be returned if a stamped addressed, eivelope- is provided: ' The Conipetition closes -on Friday, December .80th.
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• The General KnoWledge Competition is held ov=er ,until
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