Moreover, just as, previous to the War, London was the financial centre of the world, so to-day, even if handicapped by the loss of gold and unfavourable trade balances, London, together with New York, has had to shoulder the great burden of reconstructing the international financial and credit system which was shattered by the War. - Without that system in full operation, it may fairly be said, neither civilization nor the peace of the world is secure, and while in this great work of reconstruction an concerned in finance and industry- are taking their part, the chief organizer, so far as international banking and credit is concerned, is the Bank of England. And not only is that fact universally recognized in this country, but it is one of the triumphs of Mr. Norman's Governorship that he has inspired confidence throughout all countries in the soundness, and it can quite truly be said the loftiness and disinterestedness, of Britain's financial policy in the difficult years following upon the War.